Emmanuel Lopez Bio


Emmanuel Lopez is a former SRJC student and recently received his BA in Psychology from UC Berkeley. Emmanuel’s educational journey began at SRJC where he discovered his passion for helping students, as a student success coach, and individuals in the community in need of resources. After transferring to UC Berkeley, he continued his work with SRJC by assisting in various projects such as Calfresh Outreach and We The Future Conference. In his spare time, Emmanuel enjoys spending time with family and friends and likes to workout or enjoy nature. Emmanuel is part of a Mexican Norteno musical group named “La Agencia” and has performed alongside his bandmates at several community events. Emmanuel is considering grad schools and wants to pursue a masters in business administration with an emphasis on management to continue his career at SRJC. 
Some facts about him are that he enjoys playing music and he recently got a golden retriever puppy which is keeping him busy along with school, work and other activities. He is excited to be working with you and supporting you on your academic journey.